Who we are

Stepdown is a young and progressive charity established to provide a range of care and support services for children, young people and families where there are complex needs.

Supporting Families

Stepdown will support children and families in the community to prevent breakdown. Families, children and young people are offered planned programmes of support which will meet the needs of parents, children and young people.

Supporting Young People

Some families may benefit from Intensive Support programmes where there is significant risk of breakdown and reception into the care of the Local Authority. Stepdown will work closely with Social Work Services to plan and deliver the most effective support services for the family and young people.

Caring for Young People away from Home

Stepdown understands that some young people will need support away from home to assist them to develop as healthy, stable young people. Stepdown provides small scale living environments for these young people in Stepdown Cottages or with Stepdown Foster, Respite and Supported Carers.

Leaving Care – Going Home or onto Independent Living

Stepdown will assist young people to return home from care and will work closely with families to ensure that the re-integration of a young person is successful. For those young people moving to independent living, Stepdown will assist young people to make the transition to independent living through detailed planning and guidance and, where appropriate, will go with the young people into their community setting to support successful settlement and independence.

Assessments & Additional Support for Learning Plans

Stepdown will support the implementation of Integrated Assessments and Pathway Plans and will provide detailed work plans and outcome reports.

Continuity of Care

Stepdown Community Services are based on principles of continuity of care and tailored service provision.

Partners Working Together

Stepdown recognises the significant value of partnership working in supporting best outcomes for young people and families where there are significant and complex needs.

Board of Managers

The Board of Managers of Stepdown is committed to prevention and early intervention to support families to remain together. Where young people need to be cared for away from home, the Board of Stepdown is committed to ensure that Stepdown achieves the best outcomes for young people with complex needs who live with Stepdown in our Cottages, with our Foster/Respite/Supported Care Families or who are supported in their homes in the community.

Referring to Stepdown

Stepdown will receive referrals by e-mail, telephone or mobile. All referrals will receive a response within 48 hours of referral. As appropriate, Referrers will be invited to a referral discussion with Stepdown. On the basis of this discussion Stepdown will provide an outline plan to meet the needs of the young person.

Quality Assurance

Stepdown constantly monitors all our services and will seek response from children, young people and families, referring agencies and all stakeholders concerning service quality and outcomes.
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