Immediate Support In A Crisis
Some young people and their families can benefit from extra support when difficulties and problems are too much to handle. Sometimes extra support can assist young people and families to cope and prevent difficulties getting out of control.
Stepdown can provide additional support to young people at home or in their care placement when immediate assistance might be helpful to reduce anxieties and pressures which might be threatening to disrupt.
Stepdown can provide support when most needed.
Stepdown will work with Local Authorities and Agencies to prevent crisis and assist with the maintenance of the care already in place for young people.
Stepdown can provide additional support to young people at home or in their care placement when immediate assistance might be helpful to reduce anxieties and pressures which might be threatening to disrupt.
Stepdown can provide support when most needed.
Stepdown will work with Local Authorities and Agencies to prevent crisis and assist with the maintenance of the care already in place for young people.
For some young people short breaks away from home may benefit both the young people and their families.
Working closely with Social Work Services colleagues, Stepdown can provide short periods of respite in Cottage settings to allow opportunity to work to re-unite young people and families where possible.
Working closely with Social Work Services colleagues, Stepdown can provide short periods of respite in Cottage settings to allow opportunity to work to re-unite young people and families where possible.