More Information
Interested in becoming a carer
If you wish to progress your interest in becoming a carer, you will be invited to attend a preparation group. This will enable you to learn what is involved in becoming a respite carer and allow you to make an informed decision as to whether you wish to proceed. Following this, an assessment will be undertaken
For further information on becoming a carer please contact:
Karen Rinaldi: karen.rinaldi@setpdown.org.uk or tel: 0141 762 4523
What Do Respite Carers Do?
Supported Carers come from a variety of backgrounds. They can be married or single, working or retired, childless or have children still living at home. Some Carers have children who have left home and they miss the company of young people. We need a variety of Carers in order to meet our young people’s individual needs.
Young people living with supported carers have normally been in care and need extra support as they move towards independence. Young people prepare to move into Supported Care around the age of 16. They stay for varying lengths of time, from a few months to a few years. Most of us can remember what we were like at 16 and the thought of living alone at this age can be very daunting and isolating. Various kinds of support are needed to prepare our young people for independent living. Some of these are the practical skills they would have learned if they had grown up in a family home, cooking, budgeting, and contributing to family life. However, many of our care-leavers have had a difficult time and their Supported Carers are also someone they can talk to when they feel upset or lonely. Our care-leavers will be starting their first job or going to college and they are often lacking in confidence. Supported Carers will offer encouragement and advice. Stepdown supported carers and staff work in partnership with Local Authority social workers as well as other relevant professionals to provide the best care and support possible.
For further information on becoming a carer please contact:
Karen Rinaldi: karen.rinaldi@stepdown.org.uk or tel: 0141 762 4523
Do I need Qualifications and Do I Get Paid?
You do need an interest in the welfare of young people and an understanding of young people in care.
You will receive a generous allowance for each child or young person placed with you.
For further information on becoming a carer please contact:
Karen Rinaldi: karen.rinaldi@stepdown.org.uk or tel: 0141 762 4523