Foster Care

‘My foster carer is magic’
Brian aged 12

Stepdown Foster Carers offer placements in a supportive family setting to young people aged 6 to 18 years who require care in a family setting.

The placements are aimed at supporting young people to remain in a family based placement within the community. The young people will receive intensive support from their foster carer(s), Supervising Social Worker, Social Worker and other professional services if required.

Stepdown aims to assist young people to maximise their full potential and to fulfil their education, training or employment needs.

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Interested in becoming a Foster Carer?
If you wish to progress your interest in becoming a carer, you will be invited to attend a preparation group. This will enable you to learn what is involved in becoming a foster carer and allow you to make an informed decision as to whether you wish to proceed. Following this, an assessment will be undertaken.

For further information on becoming a carer please contact:

Karen Rinaldi: or tel: 0141 762 4523
What Do Foster Carers Do?
Foster carers are responsible for looking after young people when they are no longer able to stay with their own families. They are responsible for the care and development of the young person placed with them and will provide a safe, secure and stable environment. They will be supported to provide a high quality of care by Stepdown.

Foster Carers come from a variety of backgrounds. They can be married or single, working or retired, childless or have children still living at home. We need a variety of carers in order to meet young people’s individual needs.

All young people in foster care have different needs but they are likely to have faced some difficulties and need a caring home. Stepdown will work closely with you and the young person to make sure that you are carefully ‘matched’ with each other.

Stepdown foster carers and staff work in partnership with Local Authority social workers as well as other relevant professionals to provide the best care and support possible.

Most children and young people placed with our carers have ongoing contact with family members and their foster carers support them to keep in contact with their families.

For further information on becoming a carer please contact:

Karen Rinaldi: or tel: 0141 762 4523
Do I need Qualifications and Do I Get Paid?
You don’t need any formal qualifications and we will provide you with any training you require an understanding of the variety of different issues that are involved in caring for young people.

You will receive a generous allowance for each child or young person placed with you.

For further information on becoming a carer please contact:

Karen Rinaldi: or tel: 0141 762 4523

More Information

IFor more information please contact:
Karen Rinaldi: or tel: 0141 762 4523